Stop Dreaming & Start Living | An Ode to Mutables

Mutable placements have a tough time traversing this world in their own way if they do not tap into their innate power of flexibility, adaptability and change!

Mutable means easily changeable, adaptable and free. It’s a beautiful modality that allows those who possess it to live an easy life, one unencumbered by limitations and heartache! Only if we use our power wisely and correctly.

As an mutable placement or a person who can adapt easily and effortlessly to any circumstance, it is imperative that you are intentional and aware to what you adapt to. Otherwise our lives will reflect a story that is unwanted.

Leaving us to wonder what went wrong.

If you are a Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces & Virgo, you may resonate with one or two of these statements:

🕊️ As a kid, you made have learned to adapt to less than what you deserve because you had no choice but to do so.

🕊️ You felt that your life and the circumstances surrounding it were out of your control, putting you in a space of defeat. As you walked with the mindset that life happens to you instead of for you, survival mode became the norm.

🕊️ You may have trouble with discipline because you were let down constantly in your life, what’s the point of being disciplined to get what you want if no one around you breeded tangible results to show for it?

🕊️ Living authentically can come easy to you from time to time, but the permission to do it all the time? Now that stumps you.

🕊️ “Remaining focused and having structure is stifling, how can I do that when freedom is all I crave?”

If one or more of these statements resonate with you, that means you are a being who has yet to reach their fullest power, their fullest potential and this course “Stop Dreaming & Start Living | An Ode To Mutables” will be one that allows you to find freedom in self focus & inner awareness, allow you to create the life of your dreams in a practical and easy way, unlearn limiting beliefs surrounding the self and help you to understand that if you are the operant power of your realm, how could anyone outside of your hinder your success?

You will recognize that your power to adapt to any and all situations can be used for good!

It can be used to aid in your successes, not hinder it.

It can be used to change the trajectory of your life in one instant, as soon as you desire.

It can allow you to be intentional in your very own way, unencumbered by society’s norms.

Because you were meant for something greater.

You were meant to bring your own unique shine to this world.

And you should NEVER feel ashamed or afraid of doing so!

So what can you expect in this course now that you’re ready to become the being you only dreamed of?

Here is what you will experience these next 6 weeks of transformative growth! This course will bring out the real you, under all the layers of society’s conditioning.

Week 1 - Become Your Ideal Self 🕊️

  • Here is where you will learn all about this course as well start the course! Not only will you pinpoint what your heart truly desires, but you will learn how to receive it by planting the seed of your intention and tending to it so the flower can grow. You will learn how to embody your truth through sacred rituals that cannot fail if you stay consistent, focus and believe in yourself. A great start to the course!

Week 2 - You Need To Boss Up! 🕊️

  • This week we learn how your willpower will be the key to your success and how looking inwards is the key to your success story. We will unroot any limiting beliefs, replace them with your heart’s desires and start moving in a way where you recognize that everything you ever wanted is now yours. You will be reminded of your power and how using it will get you from point a to point b, not the physical world, not anyone else.

    Week 3 -Rituals For Successful Integration 🕊️

  • This is the week we really get down to business as you learn how sticking to one way that works is key to manifesting your desires, why everyday rituals are important for a mind that is easily distracted, and why self-awareness, mindfulness, discipline and motivation is key to a thriving lifestyle. But most importantly, it’s key for a being who is ready to be free. Ready to conquer life on their own terms. Here we create a sacred daily, weekly and monthly ritual that will get you from point a to b every single day! Because your success is a lifestyle, not a moment in time.

Week 4- Survival Mode & You : Your Hidden Superpower 🕊️

  • This week, we learn why you are in survival mode to unroot any causes that may have stopped you from living a successful life. We know that for some, surviving is all they know. But what if we release that by learning that there is an abundance of everything in your realm? That you are no different from the next when it comes to receiving your desires? That is why in this section, you will learn how to use your power of adaptability for abundance, how faith will move you, and how to stop outside sources from making you fail. This one is for the books, don’t miss out!

Week 5- The Negative Side Of Things : Let’s Change It 🕊️

  • Here you learn how to adapt to the positive in your life with actual real life examples and rituals, how to stop letting life happen to you and instead let it happen for you and how to take accountability, change your ways and stop doing the bare minimum to survive. We get real and raw as we discover what habits and cycles aren’t aiding our success and what you are willing to do to change that.

And finally,

Week 6 - Staying The Course 🕊️

  • We end the course on a great note as we come together one last time to reflect over how our lives changes over the last 6 weeks of class, what I would recommend you keep in your pocket for your success you cultivated with your own two hands to thrive and how to take this class content with you wherever you go. As some of you graduate with honors, you receive a community that lasts a lifetime, ready to aid you when needed.

One thing that I promise will happen is that you will see tangible change within two weeks of implementing all course content.

And I cannot wait to hear your success stories, all coming to life because you decided to place the power back into your own hands.

Now, what will this workshop contain?


This workshop contains;

‪🌿‬ 6 weeks of self study wisdom that will aid your success story! Perfect for those who cannot make a scheduled meet up or would love more freedom to accomplish their work.

‪🌿‬ Checks ins that occur twice a week in our discord chat, perfect for those who are overwhelmed by daily check ins!

‪🌿‬ A grading system that by the end of this course will allow all participants to receive a gift box valued up to $160 and certificate of completion! A little incentive for those who need it. ;)

‪🌿‬ A 10+ page workbook containing affirmations, journal prompts and worksheets for easy course content integration!

‪🌿‬ Pre recorded videos for easy learning and integration! No scheduled class meetups here!

‪🌿‬ Spell work and rituals where you will learn how to craft your very own manifestation technique that will aid your success story!

‪🌿‬ Lifetime access to all of these meetings, guidance and gifts.

‪🌿‬ Office hours to chat with Notty about progress, help and wisdom not featured in the course!

This course emphasises EASE after a life of having it so hard.

No overthinking, no second guessing, just you and your ability to trust in yourself.


So mutable placements and those like them, are you ready to learn what it means to be YOU?

Are you ready to take the plunge, even if it means giving up everything you have ever known?

Are you ready to trust in yourself, led by a person who knew what it felt like to be you?

Then look no further and join our course!

It is in these moments where we second guess ourselves, that everything we ever wanted can occur.

Simply by making one decision.

One that is going to work in your favor.

We begin September 9th at 3:00pm Est!

And I hope to see you there.

Click the sign up button below to join our course and start transforming your life!

🕊️ Affirm: I have everything my heart desires because I always get what I want.

For any questions about this course, click the button below to be redirected to our Contact page!

Stop Dreaming & Start Living | An Ode to Mutables
One time
For 2 months