Witchcraft 101: Moon Phases & Rituals

Hi you!

I am beyond proud of you for getting up out of your bed and deciding to tackle the day. I hope today was magical in someway. If not, that’s okay! The next day will be better. Claim that right now. ✨

Today, I am going to be giving an introduction on the Moon phases and how her beautiful essence is involved in witchcraft and rootwork. As you know, the moon has several phases named the New Moon, Full Moon, Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, First Quarter, Last Quarter and Waning Crescent. These aren’t in order by the way, oops! This was one of the first things I learned and wrote down in my book of shadows. I was always drawn to the moon and knowing that I could channel her power to help with things in my life change the game for me!

First moon phase I will be talking about? The full moon. Full Moons are good to release any negative energy, habits, connections and more. Depending on the moon phases at the time, her power can be amplified which makes any ritual or spell you do on that night/day amplified as well! I love to journal what I would like to release, mediate and pull some tarot cards during the full moons. You can also create moon water. Moon water is super beneficial to add to spells. I will talk about her later. ;) Should it be the first spell I teach you?

Some witches also manifest on that night. Personally, I use the full moon to release because that’s what feel best for me! During full moons, you can definitely feel the energy. You’ll sometimes feel heavy, have small headaches and your energy maybe off. The full moon energy brings out what needs to be released and now that you FEEL it you know what to do. With that being said, here’s a ritual for beginners that can help release anything you want to on the full moon!

  • For this ritual/spell all you’ll need is piece of paper, a bowl, a match or lighter and your favorite pen. Make sure to do a protection spell beforehand! (Check out my Youtube video to get one.) Write down what you would like to release but as if it’s already done. I usually write it as such, “I release all anxiety.” Then I will go out in the light of the full moon, as it is shining upon me and my piece of paper in my bowl, I light the paper on fire. Therefore releasing what I put on the paper. Afterwards, I thank the moon and spirit for helping me release these things. I close out by journaling what was brought to me by releasing those things in the paper. I right three things such as, “I am so happy and grateful I found peace.” Afterwards, I let it go and put my moon journal away until the next time I need to release. 

Now, you have something to try out during the next full moon! I hope this ritual is a good one that works for you. Let me know if it does by following me on my social media or in the comment sections below.

Twitter: @nottydesignss

Insta: @nottydesigns 

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