Connecting With Your Inner Child

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Hi legend! Happy Friday. I hope your Friday is going amazing so far. On this day, it’s typical to be laid back and relaxed. Try not to do too much work. Get at least 2 things done on your to do list and leave the rest of the day to have fun!

With that being said, let’s give some tips on how you can have fun by connecting with your inner child!

As adults, we tend to forget what it was like to have undeniable fun. To laugh, imagine, to be free and let our spirit soar. Some of us never got to chance to do that, even as children. We were either stifled or not shown compassion when we wanted to act as children. Well I am here to tell you, you can still be that child. Just because you’re are an adult does not mean that inner child isn’t there, ready for you to cherish them and love them like they always wanted.

One way to connect with your inner child is doing things you always wanted to do or use to do as a kid. Have you wanted to roller skate but couldn’t afford to? Did you use to love to sing? Do those things whenever you can! But don’t just do them, feel them. Feel the happiness and peace it brings you. Completely lose yourself in that emotion. Imagine how good you feel after doing something you love, without being judged.

Figuring out what your inner child wants can help heal old wounds that you carried into adulthood. Wounds that may have you stuck in place, unable to move forward. One of mine was the ability to dance. I was a very shy kid, my family extremely judgmental, so doing anything expressive was scary to me as I didn’t want to be harshly judged. But now? Every single day, before I shower I make it a point to dance to my favorite song. Doing the entire choreography as well! I feel so happy, free and fulfilled every single time I do it. It’s become a ritual that I can’t skip.

It definitely helped me love myself so much more than I ever could in the last 20 years of my life. So start slow, regain that love and passion you had as a kid. And it will help you be so much happier, fulfilled and accelerate your healing more than you could imagine. What is one thing you use to love to do as a kid? Comment below. I would absolutely love to read your passions and interests you had back then. Until next time!

Affirm: I am at peace. My emotions are balanced.