Hoodoo 101: What Is Hoodoo?

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I hope you’re enjoying your Monday and staying safe with all the hectic things that are going on in this world! Today, I am going to explain what Hoodoo is and how I use this sacred, cultural practice in my daily life. First things first, not everyone can partake in this practice. It is specific to Black people as it was something our ancestors created to keep alive the traditions learned from the homeland. This practice was developed from multiple West African cultures, religions and beliefs that were passed down through the transatlantic slave trade.

Because of the hold Christianity and slavery had on us, we had to keep this practice a secret in fear of persecution and discrimination. With that being said, Christianity has a very deep hold within the Hoodoo practice. It steered the slave owners away from suspecting anything that wasn’t to their liking. One thing that is used in Hoodoo is the book of Psalms, which is used in many other religions and cultures as well. Psalms is just one big book of spells. I personally say three Psalm verses every morning and night. And the power of doing that? Immense. Studying this practice is very rewarding, (if you are able to practice) because it opened my eyes to how beautiful this world can be.

Every day I speak with my ancestors. Using the power and guidance of your ancestors is a very big deal within this practice. They have so much wisdom and guidance. And they help with anything you need or desire. We honor them and respect them immensely. Connecting with your bloodline to do the impossible is a unimaginable feeling. I am beyond grateful to them.

Next time, I’ll explain some other practices that everyone can partake in! Such as Wicca and Witchcraft. Remember, when researching different spiritual paths be mindful of what you should and should not partake in. Many practices are exclusive to other cultures and it’s important to not appropriate them. We are protective of our practices and rightfully so! 

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