How To Contact Your Ancestors & Guides

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Hi loves, let’s talk about connecting with your ancestors or spirit guides. When i started this journey as a witch, I always talked about the universe not knowing i had a whole bloodline just waiting to help me with anything in my life. It wasn’t until I started studying hoodoo that I learned the power of my ancestors and how they have been blessing, protecting, guiding and loving me my whole life. These last two years, I’ve built my connection with them. It started with something simple as saying “Thank you ancestors for bringing my dreams to life.” every single day I woke up. Of course I started talking with them more, learning about them, them learning about me.

As time goes on, you’ll get comfortable and start having deep conversations, guidance and so much more. If you want to start connecting with them, this is how to start! say a prayer to them every day. it can be something simple as “thank you spirit for guiding me through today.” Once you’re ready to take it to the next level, listen to 963 hz. This opens your third eye (only do this if you’re ready!!) and allows them to contact you in other ways.

Say “i allow nothing but love and light to enter.” as you listen to this meditation while falling asleep or in a meditative state. I did it while I fell to asleep! That very same night, 3 am to be exact, they physically contacted me. I told them not to do that though because I am a jumpy ass bitch and could not take it.💀 After that, build your relationship with them! Speak with them everyday, if possible make an altar for them and give them offerings.

Sit and chat with them. Let them know how much you cherish them. They’ll help you in all your endeavors, guide you when you are lost, drag you when you are wrong, and protect you when ppl try it. Let me know if this helped at all or if you have any questions! Have a gorgeous day babes. ❣️

Affirm: I am a powerful being. I love hard and I receive beautiful love back.