Healing From Trauma

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It’s March! Isn’t that amazing? A new month for new goals. How is your Monday going so far? I would love to hear any accomplishments you did today. Be proud of them! It’s a win regardless and that’s amazing, even if it’s something small. Me? Well, something heartbreaking happened to me on Saturday. I felt numb, pain, anger, fear, you know all the good shit that comes from heartbreaking situations. But instead of folding and giving up I felt through all that. I sat with my ancestors and let them transmute and work through my pain. I left myself bare for them and they held me in their loving embrace as I healed. 

I had people, who loved me and were on my side to reassure me and let me know that I am loved and cared for. Who confirmed that I wasn’t delusional, and that shit that like this is not okay. That is to say, I’m grateful for all the support systems I have. Something like this years ago would have made me shut off again and spiral back into depression. But sometimes, bad shit happens to make way for the blessings that are to come. Out with the old and in with the new! I know this happened for a reason and spirit always let me know what it is.

I am always protected. I’m going to watch spirit work over those who hurt me and bless the ones who help me heal. Remember in the times that are hurtful, you have someone who loves, protects, is on your side and wants nothing but the best for you. 

When you are hurting, FEEL through that pain. Don’t run, don’t hide, don’t bury it deep down. It’s so easy to push through and try to be “love and light” all the time. But, we are human. Spirit and the Universe wants us to be our best selves and with that comes constant healing. You will make it out. It hurts now but over time, something beautiful will come out from it. Whether it is clarity, good health, abundance, something WILL come from it. Know that any pain you are feeling or any horrible situation you’re in, it’s not your fault. You are loved. I am sending you my love. ❣️✨

P.S ~ It’s so fun knowing I don’t have to lift one finger and that my protection spells and ancestors are that powerful helps me sleep peacefully at night. Spirit doesn’t play about me!

Comment below something that you have healed from or are still healing from if you are comfortable. This is a safe space! And let me know what other topics you would love for me to talk about. Have a gorgeous Monday love!

Affirm: I am safe, loved and protected. I surround myself with individuals who want nothing but the best for me.