Learning to Manifest 2020


Happy Friday love! How was your day? I truly hope it was amazing. Stop what you’re doing right now! Now think about one thing that you did today you should be proud of. Give yourself a pat on the back for accomplishing that thing. No matter how small, you did it and that’s amazing. I absolutely love that for you. 

Today, I wanna tell you about manifestation, law of attraction and how it’s help me on my journey. Mostly, I want to let you know that you CAN create your reality. You have the means and the tools to live the life you desire. Here are four steps you can take right now in order to set you on the path of creating your reality. 

First, what is the law of attraction? To put it simply, it’s whatever energy you put out comes back to you! So when your vibration is high, you attract beautiful things into your life. When it’s low, it’s the opposite. In order to receive the thing you are wanting to manifest, you must become an energetic match for it. Everything is energy and there is an abundance of it. Think about how the thing you want to manifest makes you feel. Will you be happy when you receive it? Giddy? Ecstatic? Feel into those emotions!! 

You must believe before you see. When you embody those emotions, it tells the universe you are grateful for what you have and that it’s already yours. Having faith is a key part to this! Using these four steps, you can manifest all your desires.

  1. Ask/State what you desire

  2. Visualize it coming to you

  3. Release the How and Let Go 

  4. Act as If

Following these steps, you can start manifesting. If this is new to you, start with something small! It took me three years to master as I had to unlearn limiting beliefs, doubt, and anxiety around what I wanted to manifest. Have patience! It’ll work instantly as long as you believe and put in the work for what you want. Remember, asking the universe/god/spirit for what you want is only half the job. YOU must also put in work. Don’t sit around! You got this.

Next time, I’ll talk about some tips on how to remove blockages when manifesting, using your orgasm to manifest, the inner work that comes with it and so much more. I hope this helps!

Affirm: I have the power to create the life of my dreams. ✨

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