Tarot Readings for the Collective

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Hi loves, so I stated a while back that I will be doing tarot readings again. These won’t be personalized for now, however I hope you still enjoy them. I did a collective reading for the week of June 22 to June 27. I will be doing them every single week. Look out for collective reading every single Monday by signing up for my newsletter now! A blog post will be written every Tuesday after the newsletter has been sent.

If you want to always look back on my readings, a blog post will be created with each one. Along with the deck I used for them and the cards that were pulled! Here is the message that came through my deck and spirit guides: 

Question: What should we expect during the week of June 22nd - June 27th?

Cards Pulled: Two of Swords, Eight of Cups, Nine of Swords, The Unknown Card, Judgement, The High Priestess, Knight of Swords, Two of Pentacles 

BDE: King of Cups

Deck Used: Twilyt Dreams Tarot (Restock Soon)

“ You are moving forward. You finally realized that it’s time to leave the past behind and look forward towards a new future. A lot of changes will be coming your way, don’t be hindered by them. Things are unknown right now, but that does not mean to be afraid and to not step into your power. You have the means to balance everything on your plate if you haven’t done so already. Don’t second guess yourself, you’re just that powerful. You’ll be listening to your intuition more. Connecting with yourself and spirit. Make sure to be mediating, grounding, playing music, anything to make sure you are not jittery. Know that if you have been in a stagnant, dark place things will get better. You’re leaving the old you behind, shedding your skin so you can find your happiness. The past may come up a lot. You may reminisce about the times you had, both good and bad. Look on on those times as lessons. What can you take from them? Do not take on the energy from those times. You have healed, now you know what you should do. You are in tune with your emotions, being strong and steadfast. Now is the time to think about yourself and what you want to accomplish. Be selfish! Now is the opportune time. Know that you’re gonna be okay, just trust in yourself and your abilities. You’re wise and strong. Believe in that.” 

If this message resonates with you, that’s amazing. I hope it does. Big changes are coming, good changes. I hope you are claiming them, receive them with open arms.

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Late night tarot readings are really fun and you have yours for August 2020. Keep reading to check it out. 

Question: What does August 2020 look like for the collective?

Looks like someone is getting a boo! What are you holding onto? What are you not clearing out of the way? Some of you maybe feeling stagnant as if you do not know what path you should take. A lot of you are cultivating abundance, but you’re holding onto past experiences. Release it baby! It’s time to pay attention to the signs around you. Are you listening rather than speaking? Are you paying attention to yourself? More abundance and opportunities are coming forth but you must release any lingering fears first. Some of you maybe getting into a new relationship or cultivating a new love. For this love to be powerful and free, you must listen to the other person. It’s time to do some shadow work in order to release any lingering things that do not serve you. Because now is the time for good things to happen. You maybe struggling to step into your power but spirit is reminding you that you can. You can create your reality. You have to meet your guides half way. You have to do some work as well and they have the rest. You have to show up and show out. 

You’re coming up with new ideas and concepts. Some of you may receive a job opportunity that’ll pay way more than expected. A lot of abundance is coming in for you. You may have some challenges but if you release that baggage it’ll be smooth sailing. You have to have faith. You maybe sabotaging yourself and spirit wants you to stop it! Financial matters that hinder you is no more. Money will be flowing into your life easily from now on. You’re getting out of that state of lack and worrying about financial matters. New beginnings. Something is coming in to an end to allow even more abundance to come in for you. Focus on cultivating your best life and self. Become a person who is worthy of that abundance. Come to terms with the flow of the universe and overcoming any obstacles. Maybe you’re not connecting with the ones you love. You maybe feeling like you’re not apart of their world, but you are. 

You have to speak up! Ask for that love and tell them how you’re feeling. Don’t be silent because close mouths don’t get fed. Say your piece. Do not worry about their reaction because you said your piece. You can’t control their reaction but you CAN control yours! You maybe feeling blockages but now is the time to release them. Heal and connect with your emotions. Release these emotions and keep going. Just because you may feel down does not mean your abundance just stops. It’s everlasting! Some of you maybe fearing success and having anxiety about your growing popularity. You worked hard for this. You deserve this! Remember, spirit would not give you things you cannot handle. Instead of fearing this change, be thankful for it. Say, “This is my reality and I am beyond grateful for it.” Don’t feel as though you don’t deserve it. This is something new. You always known this was yours but you may feel as if you don’t know how to handle it. But spirit is reminding you, that you can handle it. Divine timing bby! 

You have cultivated so much success during this month! It’s a time for celebration. Spirit is saying, good job! You did it. You made it and we are proud of you. Your fears and anxiety are not you. They aren’t who you are. So be kind to yourself and slowly process things to end up at a good place. Your are divinely guided and protected. Trust in that. Ask for help from your guides! They want to help you. When you feel that anxiety journal it out, breathe, meditate and reassure yourself of how beautiful, kind and compassionate you are. Your getting productive and setting up more foundations in August that you started in July! Some of you are already feeling this energy of moving forward, striving forward and stepping into your power. Your mindset is changing. Helping yourself AND others. All that hard work, dedication and determination will pay off! The more you love yourself the more you’ll attract beings on your level. Someone will face the music. Stop worrying about the things that you don’t need. Spirit has that! You focus on being great. 

Don’t be sneaky to create your abundance. Create it with love and compassion, not manipulation and hate. Success will be short lived if so! Lack is gone, success is in. But go the right way about it. Clean it up. Get to the core of the situation and let go of it. Your mind is occupied by others but it is now time to focus on you. You are not responsible for others, only for you! You’re always there to help others, now it’s time to help yourself. Remove this baggage so you can move forward. A cycle is finally going to be broken. You’ve seen the patterns now it’s time to stop them. Just have the courage to go forward. Before you did not see what was right in front of you but now? It’s clear as day. 

I hope you resonated with this message straight from spirit! I personally am already feeling this energy. Time is pretty much an illusion, success is now and all it takes is you believing that it is. So do you claim this? I do! Divine timing love, it is everything. 

If you would like to tip, you can do so via my Venmo or Cash App both NottyDesigns. Know that you do not have to as this reading is free, but it is appreciated!

Cards: 5 Materials (reversed), Ace of Materials, The Lovers, Three of Emotions (reversed), Ace of Emotions (reversed), Justice, Knight of Materials, 9 Emotions, 9 of Voices, 6 Of Inspiration (reversed)

BDE: The Magician (reversed) 

Oracle Cards: Clean it Up, Round and Round 

Decks Used: The Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne & Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid 

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Reading for August 4, 2020

I hope you enjoyed your day! How did the full moon have you feeling? My emotions were everywhere however my intuition was on 10! I received so many downloads from spirit and you’re about to read one of them.

Question: What messages do the collective need to hear right now? 

Someone needs to connect with their emotions, spirit and do some inner work. A moment will happen where it’ll shake you to your core. Someone came out on the other side of a rebirth, you’re starting a new beginning. You’re purging. Some of you are moving forward with your plans and trusting your emotions and thoughts. Some of you may need to retreat into yourself due to a situation. Allow yourself time to heal and know everything will be okay. You’re not speaking your truth, you can voice your thoughts. Speak to that person or journal, meditate do a voice memo but get that speech out. A lot of success and prosperity is coming after you deal with this situation. 

You’re manifesting and succeeding. You may see some struggles & lil challenges but spirit is reminding you that you can succeed. You’re going through a time where you’re seeing things for what they are. You’re awakening and thinking clearly. Take a step back and think logically. When this tower moment happens or if it has happened already, you need to feel your emotions. Allow them to rise to the surface and then release. Honor them, only when you release and trust will you move forward. Be kind and honest, which you already are. Some of you maybe feeling stagnant and spirit wants you to cut it out. Remove the blockage. You have the potential to cultivate a lot of good shit after this tower moment. But, you cannot allow this moment to throw you off your path.

Do your research on your craft and path. Doing so brings you even closer to abundance. You’re cultivating a life where you’re successful, happy and at peace. But you have a few more challenges to overcome and you cannot allow this to stop you from moving forward. You shed your skin after and during this full moon. Think about what you want to bring into your reality. The actions you take is what brings you closer to your abundance. Do not focus on things that do not serve you. You have the world at your fingertips but you need to take it. This tower moment, these unexpected changes are clearing a path for you to be successful. Once this moment passes, you’re gonna be a powerful person. You’re awakening into your best self for your highest good. You’re overcoming challenges, confident and not allowing doubts to consume you. 

Spirit wants you to let go, you’re letting go. Bring up those subconscious fears so you can let them go and allow new beautiful energy in. Know that you’re a powerful being and nothing can stop you. Step into that power that spirit is giving you. You need to think productive, positive, strive forward in the face of adversity. Determination and willpower. A major transformation is coming that’s clearing a path for you. I see a silver path that we all are walking. There is a beautiful door at the end of that path and spirit wants you to take the confidence and open that door. It’s going to bring in so much abundance. Once this moment passes, you’ll be a whole new person. Dive in and don’t be afraid. You have to take a leap of faith. This moment is not happening to you, it’s happening for you. It maybe uncomfortable but it needs to happen to move you forward. 

Welcome in the new and release the old. Get rid of that resistance, release your grip. Pay attention to what’s happening around you. Trust your intuition. Once you face your anxiety, doubts and fears head on is when you can release it. You have to do the work as well. Spirit and the Universe works WITH you to bring about your desires. A completion of a cycle. A lot of things you are manifesting are coming quickly cause you’re learning how to let go. Do not allow ego to get in your way. Keep ha in check! Connect with your higher self. A lot of insight is coming in for you. Go with the flow. Spirit will continue to give you those lessons until you listen and you finally started to listen. You overcame that situation, be confident in that. A lot of you are inspired and ready to go and get it. Know there is more than enough for everyone. Find others to help you along your path but don’t go overboard with competing. Have a healthy competition. 

Focus on you. Some of you maybe running away from success. You see it but you don’t want to believe it. A lot of opportunities are coming your way. Pay attention to them, do your research and make sure they align with your highest good. Ask yourself why you are taking on these opportunities. Try not to get obsessed with what you’re manifesting. Remember ask, visualize, release and act as if. Take action towards your goals. A lot of you need to get productive, take action in the direction you want your life to go. Don’t cut corners. The overall energy is success, independence and self made wealth. Enjoying the fruits of your labor and finalizing the foundation you created in July. Things are aligning for you to succeed. Trust. You’re helping others understand that they can be just as powerful. Spirit wants you to imagine all the good shit coming to you. Make a vision board of what you desire. 

That is your homework. Create that vision board. Everything you want to manifest, now is the perfect time to bring them into reality. Just go with the flow, do not resist life. Trust your intuition and allow the pieces to be set in place. And trust everything you desire is yours. Once you have visualized what you desire, stay in the present. Focus on the now because you have everything you want. And that is KEY to manifestation. Live in the moment and don’t worry about the past or the future. Take it day by day. 

I hope you resonated with this message straight from spirit! I personally am already feeling this energy. I am creating my vision board as we speak and setting it as my wallpaper. You can use Pinterest, Instagram & even Twitter! May all your dreams make it to the physical reality. 

If you would like to tip, you can do so via my Venmo or Cash App both NottyDesigns. Know that you do not have to as this reading is free, but it is appreciated! I will be opening slots for personal readings once again on August 7th. I hope you’re excited! I’m super ready. 💫🧚🏾‍♀️

Cards: The Moon, Knight of Emotions, Death (reversed), 8 of Materials, The Tower, The Hanged Muse, 5 of Inspiration, The World Cosmos, Queen of Materials, Knight of Voices (Reversed), 7 Of Emotions (reversed) 

BDE: 9 of Materials

Oracle Cards: Imagine & To the Sea

Decks Used: The Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne & Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid 

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Question: What messages do the collective need to hear right now? 

Someone’s stepping into their creative powers/energy and connecting with their spiritual side. Truths will be revealed, someone will face the music in order to move forward on your path. Some of us need to take chances, taking that leap of faith and don’t allow anything to hinder you. A lot of us are being productive or need to step into that productive power in order cultivate the reality we desire. Taking action, being dedicated and having determination is what is going to bring about material success. Staying in the present moment and not looking into the future or dwelling on the past.

You may have already experience some wins. Stop and smell the roses. Admire and be proud of all that you accomplished so far. Be grateful for the things that have entered your life recently. An attitude of gratitude is what will speed up your success. Remember to share your wealth, happiness and success with others who deserve it. The more you give the more you receive. New opportunities are coming your way to bring you even more success and abundance. A situation will happen where it’ll allow you to release any lingering 

baggage. You’re moving forward. You’re allowing spirit to do what needs to be done. You’re trusting or need to trust in them. Spirit is moving pieces behind the scenes in order to align you with your truth path. 

Be confident, strive forward. Don’t overwork yourself. Set a routine, rest as this will bring about the best results for you. Create a routine where it’ll allow you to rest but also get shit done. You’re moving into a period where you’re transitioning into a new beginning. A new time. Just go with the flow and allow these changes to bring you exactly where you need to be. Don’t let these new opportunities pass you by. Harvest season. You’ve worked hard for the success that you have and that has yet to come. Trust that you deserve this. There is no room for doubt. You know exactly where you need to go, step confidently onto your path. You’re growing spiritually. You’re gaining knowledge that’s gonna help you go smoothly down your path and bring you even closer to your higher self. Now it’s the perfect time to act. Once you take action, everything will come into fruition. Now is the perfect time to manifest. Utilize this leo new moon to bring about exactly what you want to manifest. 

Ask spirit and then take inspired action. Connect with others, give and take. Stay focused on building a solid foundation in order to cultivate success. That solid foundation is what is going to move you forward. Make sure it’s exactly what you want. Make sure it aligns with your values. A person will be coming into your life to enhance it. Welcome that person with open arms. Pay attention to the things around you. See things for what they are. Truths will be revealed. Trust your intuition on opportunities that come into your life. If it aligns with your soul, take it. If it doesn’t, leave it. 

I hope this message resonates! I’m sending tons of love during this new moon. May you manifest all your desires tonight. 

If you would like to tip, you can do so via my Venmo or Cash App both NottyDesigns. Know that you do not have to as this reading is free, but it is appreciated! I will be opening slots for personal readings once again on September 7th. I hope you’re excited! I’m super ready. 💫🧚🏾‍♀️

Oracle Cards : Yang, Building Blocks, Exchanging Gifts & Soul Mates

Tarot Cards: Knight of Pentacles, Justice, The Hierophant, Four of Swords, 9 of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, Six of Swords, 6 of Pentacles, Page of Cups, Queen of Wands

BDE: The Fool 

Decks Used: Twilyt Dreams Tarot by Notty Designs & Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid 
