Realizing You’re on a Negative Frequency

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Hi loves, I hope you are enjoying your evening. How did this past week go for you? A LOT is happening since we have not only an eclipse, but 6 planets retrograde. Things are very chaotic right now, but don’t let it give you anxiety or fear. Today, I want to talk about a huge problem that happens within the spiritual community. As a healer, your path is to help heal! That is my path. I want to help others heal in the most kindest way possible, helping them acknowledge bad traits, toxic cycles and trauma. If they are willing.

With that being said, it is very important that you choose your words wisely. Often times, some “healers” victim blame. They say that you chose the bad things that are happening in your life. That you want those things to happen and that’s why it continues to manifest. I do not agree! Yes, there is a point where you can choose to remain on a negative frequency or start working on unlearning traits. However, most people are born into a negative frequency. They do not know that is the frequency that they manifest in all the time.

They do not know a frequency of love and compassion. At one point in life, I did not know a frequency of love, compassion, peace and freedom. I was born into a toxic cycle and I was blessed to finally acknowledge that I do not have to continue that cycle. That I can choose to be better not only for me, but for my future family. For my cousins who need the love we weren’t shown as kids. For you, who deserves to heal from trauma and to break toxic cycles. To let go of the pain from the past to truly step into your future.

No one tries to manifest negative things with intention. Some do, but the majority of us have not. If you think that you intentionally manifested being abused in any shape or form, I am here to tell you that is not the case. You did not manifest it. You did not want that. You had no choice in what environment you grew up in. Bad things happen, and it’s not our faults. But, you do have the choice now to break those cycles and to heal. If you haven’t realized it now, you will! And once you do, you can finally make a conscious choice to heal and change your life for the better. You can even enhance your life if it’s already bomb!

So how can you get off a negative frequency you were unknowingly manifesting on? Acknowledge what isn’t working in your life. Figure out why it may not work for you. And then, take steps to change yourself and your environment. And next thing you know, you will be intentionally manifesting beauty into your life. And I wish that for all of you.

I hope you have a gorgeous evening! 

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