New Opportunities, Abundance & Power

Learning to Manifest your desires.png

Hi love, I hope you are enjoying your day! How did this weekend go for you? Mercury has finally gone direct, now it’s time to get shit done. Here is this week’s tarot reading! It’s long, but bear with me. You should definitely read this.

Question: What messages do the collective need to hear for July 14th - 19th? 

The first thing that came to mind is Ellie Goulding’s “Anything Can Happen” song. We’re finding balance this week, we are finding balance in our work and personal lives. Mercury has gone direct, so now you want to get shit done. When retrograde, Mercury allows us to revisit what’s not working in our daily lives and how we can go about changing up our routine. Once it goes direct, you come out feeling rejuvenated and wanting to use those lessons you learned into your daily life. 

A lot of you are stepping into your power. Now you know what you need focus on, what you need to balance, and what you need to accomplish. You are overcoming challenges in order to go forward with that creative endeavor, new job and/or new relationship. You’re feeling inspired and up to the task. You’re asking yourself the questions that are needed in order to move forward. What do I need to do? How do I go about accomplishing this task? What steps are needed in order to see this task become a reality? 

Anything can happen. You are in a moment of time where new opportunities are coming in for you. A lot of doorways will be opening this week. It maybe overwhelming, but know you have the means to balance out all these wonderful opportunities. A lot of wealth, abundance, opportunities are coming in this week but you have to be prepared to accept them. Make sure to remain balanced and grounded in order to sort out these blessings. Some of you maybe focusing on your spirituality a lot more, you maybe finding a new path in spirituality, you maybe going back to a older religion. 

Now it’s the time to research and call upon a higher power, if you do not have one it is yourself. How do you want to be guided in life? What path do you want to take? What else do you need to learn about your path? Ask yourself these questions. You maybe seeing things or hearing things. Don’t be alarmed or overwhelmed! Back of the deck energy is Muse of Inspiration, it represents the king. You’re leading in your creative endeavors. You’re stepping into that roll in order to see your ideas come to life. On the other hand, some of you may be feeling stagnant. You may not want to step into that power and that leadership role. Perhaps you’re feeling scared. 

But, you are doing the right thing. You are on the right path. But you must overcome those challenges in order to welcome in those blessings that are coming forward. Make sure you think first before acting. Weigh out all your options and take a step back to analyze. It’s okay to double check. Make sure you leave your lack mindset, and step into a mindset of abundance. Start saving and keeping track of your money. Spend with love. When you spend with love, the universe send it back to you 3x over. Remember that money is energy, and it is an abundance of it. Work on unlearning negative beliefs around money.

NOW is the time to stop saying thing like “I am broke.” “I will never have enough.” “There is not enough money.” Start saying, “Money flows to me effortlessly, easily and abundantly.” “I am a money magnet.” “Money loves me and I love money.” Shit is about to turn around FAST for you. Remember, anything can happen. Create a system to where you can balance your workload more. Write all your ideas down and go from there. You are creating your reality. You are figuring out that you are a manifesting legend. Or it’s about time you know that. You put in the work and you are receiving whatever you desire. You can have what your heart desires. Manifest.

A lot of great opportunities are coming, just make sure you have a solid foundation in order to receive the blessings that are on the way. Knowledge is power. It’s time to do research and gain more knowledge to move forward. It can be about your business, hobbies, anything. Use 1 hour a day to research and learn about your craft. You’re releasing stagnant energy. You’re breaking free and moving forward. Nothing is stopping you or will stop you. You’re only stagnant because you THINK you are. Release that thinking. Be patient, you’re building momentum. Write down that idea. It’ll bring abundance. 

You’re a visionary, you’re a leader. Step into that power and for those who are having trouble doing so, you have to try. Only when you let go of those limiting beliefs, is when the doorway will open and bring you those blessings. Are you going to break free and go forward? Or will you remain where you are? You are the creator of your reality. You have a new way of thinking that is propelling you forward. This new mindset is surprising you but don’t slip back into your old ways. Embrace this new way of thinking. Explore it and cherish it. This week is the opportune time to set up a solid foundation to help you move forward. You have luck on your side, do not fear this new change. Don’t let these opportunities pass you by. 

Do not ignore spirit messages for you! You are creating meaningful relationships. These relationships will be bringing in new growth, love and things you have been missing in past relationships. This can be a new friendship, business partner or love partner. This person or people are your soul mate/s. Remember, they can stay for a minute or forever but the lessons will remain. Cherish these people. They are meant to be with you. You’re blessed. You have unexpected blessings coming in, blessings that you have earned through your hard work. Be open to receive these blessings and remember to thank spirit for them. Once again, do not allow these new opportunities to pass you by. This will manifest your desires. It is time to build that solid foundation and it requires to you to be fearless, stubborn and strong. Can you do it? If so, say “I cultivate this.” (beautiful saying by @hotgirlhealer

I hope this reading resonates for you. If you would like to tip, you can do so via my Venmo or Cash App both NottyDesigns. Know that you do not have to as this reading is free, but it is appreciated! Remember, I will be opening slots for personal readings on July 17th along with restocking my deck. I hope you’re excited! Those signed up to my newsletter get access one day before it launches. I’m super ready. 💫🧚🏾‍♀️


Tarot Spread: Page of Voices, Page of Materials, The Hierophant, The Wheel, 8 of Inspiration, 5 of Inspiration, 4 of Materials, 2 of Materials

BDE: Muse of Inspiration

Oracle Spread: Soul Mates, Blessed & Yang 

Decks Used: The Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne & Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid 

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